Ruins and Landscapes | Ruinen und Landschaften

Text by Sue Prideaux
Alexander Adams, 2007
Publisher: Golconda Fine Art Books,
ISBN: 9780955084331
Dimensions: 225 x 225 mm
Golconda Fine Art Books, 2007, Sue Prideaux, Alexander Adams, trans. Luise Verey, English/German text, 12pp, 36 illus., ISBN: 9780955084331 Catalogue for touring solo exhibition (Wales and London), covers paintings of ruins, landscapes, tree paintings and snowscapes. Prideaux considers AA’s ruins and tree paintings in context of his travels in Norway and Europe. Extracts from letters written by AA to Prideaux. English original text and translation into German. Incl. bibliography and exhibitions list.
Ruins and Landscapes | Ruinen und Landschaften: Text by Sue Prideaux
£ 10.00