Viviana Rossi-Caffell b. 1982

Viviana Rossi-Caffell's work investigates aspects relating to the human being, translating a focus on organic dynamics into a game of weights that is a constant redefinition of balance.

Viviana Rossi-Caffell (1982, Torino) lives and works between England and Italy.
Through an open practice that incorporates kinetic sculpture, assemblage and readymade, Viviana Rossi-Caffell's work investigates aspects relating to the human being, translating a focus on organic dynamics into a game of weights that is a constant redefinition of balance. Combining a background of human sciences and performance, Viviana treats sculpture as a tool to make sense - often making light - of what surrounds her, creating works that reflect the pivotal point between chaos and control, the tension between freedom and structure, destruction and order.