Aster Guinness British

The face of a person, for Aster Guinness, is a primal container for human emotion.

The face of a person, for Aster Guinness, is a primal container for human emotion. It is the first thing we see when we are born and our first connection with the outside world. Guinness paints the faces of those around her: her children, friends and father. The act of painting is an attempt to reflect the person, yet they often become a vessel for the formal qualities of painting she enjoys. Paint has pleasurable, sensual connotations for Guinness, who contrasts it to the equally sensual and yet guilt-associated relationship she has with food. Color is delicious and she uses it with delight, enjoying the relationships hues have between each other. Colour theory and abstract composition are important starting off points in Guinness's visual narrative.
By Kate Reeve-Edwards